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Reflecting your “authentic self” online:

Nowadays, society is breaking away from external appearances and encouraging us to be ourselves. In fact, as everyone wants to pretend perfection, we end up spreading wrong images of ourselves and causing considerable harm like lack of self-confidence or self-esteem. It is simple to be yourself! The point is to remain authentic to your true self so that you can accept yourself and teach others to accept you for who you really are.

To be yourself, you need to start by letting go of social influence and detaching yourself from other people's judgment.

Let’s start from the fact that no one is perfect and that there is no model or typical character to which you should aspire. This means that you should not fall into the comparison trap, because your only reference is yourself. Refocus on yourself, acknowledge your flaws, promote your strengths and constantly improve yourself to become a better version of yourself, for yourself.


To be true to yourself, in general, means to be authentic to who you are, no matter the circumstances, the time, or the place. Whether it’s at work, at a party, with your family, or online, it’s very important to be yourself and show up as you are. People are often afraid to stay true to their true selves out of fear of being judged, unnoticed, or being the center of attention. Everyone has their reasons, and these reasons are often just excuses that distort our identities. In this article, we discuss the importance of embracing yourself in order to build a unique “personal brand”, we also address how to avoid giving a false image and how to reveal your personal identity online.


The importance of personal branding 

Whether you know it or not we all have an e-reputation and an online personal brand. And this image is displayed through your online presence, information shared on social networks, and all of your interactions. Obviously, all of these components should represent you in the most authentic way and be globally consistent. 

Whether it’s for a romantic date or a business meeting, it’s quite likely that the person you’re meeting has already looked you up online. Are you comfortable with the image you reflect online? Is it an authentic image? Is your online presence a true representation of your real-life personality? Is your e-reputation well maintained? 

The worldwide spread of social media and the emergence of digitalization in various processes have made it crucial for everyone to adopt a personal branding strategy.

What is personal branding? 

Personal branding is about identifying your skills and expertise in order to get to know yourself first, then to promote yourself and make yourself known, and finally be recognized by building an authentic personal communication strategy. The main purpose of personal branding is to promote and enhance oneself.

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, said: Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room. And that’s exactly the same for your personal brand and your e-reputation.


How to avoid spreading a fake self-image online

There is no magic solution to avoid a fake image of ourselves online, you simply have to be authentic. It sounds simple, but the truth is that it’s complicated and you can easily get confused. Our society is so tied to appearances and superficiality that many people are afraid to show themselves as they are.

Here are 3 steps to follow to avoid spreading a fake image of yourself online.

Focus on authenticity 

Some may recommend focusing on views, impressions, or community engagement, but there is no greater aspiration than authenticity. Because authenticity can generate more, better and longer-lasting engagement. If you want to challenge all the fake online images, it’s crucial to realize the importance of being honest, being yourself, and, most importantly, being true to your personal brand. Make it a priority or call it quits now!

Think about your strategy

In order to get off to a good start without getting overwhelmed, you need to come up with a strategy to follow. Before you launch, think about who you will be your target, what image you want to project, what impact you want to have on your audience, how you can connect with your community, etc. Keep in mind that you can’t please everyone, nor can you agree with everyone. Don’t let that be a problem! It is important to learn how to debate ideas and respect others while remaining committed to your convictions and ideas. Encourage discussion and sharing ideas, without filters and without fake images, but with respect!

Invest in your image and e-reputation

An authentic online image requires investment. This implies that you need to keep up a regular rhythm of posting to ensure a good online presence and also to stand out from the crowd. Generally, social networks are designed to share and reflect the “important moments”, disregarding the details. In this scheme of things, people only share joy and success, which is far from reality or authenticity. Don’t be afraid to show yourself as you are, only this way you can fulfill your promise of authenticity. Plus, this way you’ll be a real inspiration to your community.

Tips to reflect the true version of yourself online

Follow these tips to reflect your authentic self and be able to stand out online.

  1. Write your personal evaluation

By asking yourself direct questions, you can discover who you are without denying your core values. When you’re clear on these values, it will be easier to make decisions that are aligned with your authenticity.

  1. Build your social support system

Surround yourself with and invest your time and attention in people who are not only true to themselves but who also support you in your journey. Take regular inventory of your social circle and surround yourself with real, authentic people.

  1. Be honest and confident

Improving your communication skills can have a huge impact on your authenticity. The meaning of what we want to say is often lost in the way we say it. So work on your communication skills to properly convey your ideas.

  1. Take daily action to promote authenticity

Authenticity seems like a broad and abstract concept. But when you take a closer and deeper look, it comes down to your daily actions. For it is those seemingly insignificant moments that can have the greatest impact, either moving you closer to the most authentic version of yourself or further away from it. The choice is yours

Always remember that no one is like you and that is where your power lies. You are unique and you need to show it whether it is online or in real life.